Dialed Carnage


Availability: Out of Stock

A strong and effective pre-workout supplement should contain a combination of key ingredients that work together to enhance athletic performance, increase energy levels, and improve focus. Here are a few important ingredients that a good pre-workout supplement may contain:

1. Caffeine: This stimulant helps improve energy levels and alertness, which can lead to a more intense workout. Dialed Carnage has a whopping 450mg per serve!

2. English walnut extract: dialed Carnage has a huge dose of 250mg. With this ingredient it is used to increase focus and provide energy for a improved workout.

3. Beta-alanine: Dialed Carnage includes a clinical dose of 3.2g per serve which is an amino acid that can help delay muscle fatigue and improve endurance.

4. Nitric oxide boosters: With the inclusion of L-Citruline in a clinical dose of 6g per serve and 1g of Agmatine these two ingredients can help increase blood flow, which can improve delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscles.

5. L Theanine: This will help support the flow of the energy production to provide a smooth and long lasting workout with no crash.


Quantity 2 3+
Price $55.69 $54.25


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Classic Cola, Raspberry, Sour Watermelon


25 serves


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